
Friday 15 February 2013

Couples 2013

Blessed Lupercalia,  

Happy Valentine's Day, 

Good Darwin Day.

No matter which (if any) day(s) you celebrate, were going to have a look at some of the couples within the Funko pop range. Today its all about love, in one form or another.

The only couples i own at the moment, are Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo from the Game of Thrones line. And a handsome couple they make sword and dragon in hand.

Here we have EVE and WALL-E, from the WALL-E movie. Some may argue but i do believe these robots are a couple.

Next we have probably the most recognised couple on television, do i even need to say it, Marge and Homer Simpson. They have the distinct honor of being 1st and 2nd in the television Funko pop line.

Kermit and Miss Piggy, from the Muppets  are definitely a couple and never got married. I don't know how good of a role model this relationship is, not due to its inter-species nature but due to the fact that Piggy is a psychopath.

Disney s Beauty and the Beast,a couple that show us no matter how different you are, you can be a good person, or that beauty comes from within, or always trim before a first date, im sure it was something along those lines.

Now a controversial one, simply because despite all appearances to the contrary, batman and robin were not officially a couple. The debate still rages to this day, with logical arguments from both sides. At the very least we can see a type of love as the powerful friendship that bound them together in there fight against the evils of Gotham city. The figures shown are from the Heroes line.


Despite many believing them a couple, He-Man and She-Ra from the Masters of the Universe line, are in fact brother and sister.  However the care and affection one feels for ones brothers and sisters is also a kind of love.

I always thought Disney s, Micky and Minnie Mouse were brother and sister, but no apparently they are dating. I am unsure of why they have the same last name, perhaps Mouse is more of a description they use in case someone mistook them for an emu?

One for the Darwin fans, the union of Jaime and Cersei Lannister created the horror that is Joffrey. And that is all i will say on the matter of this couple from a Game of Thrones.

  I hope you enjoyed out little stroll down lovers lane. Did i miss anyone? Who is your favorite Pop couple? Is there any couple you wish Funko would make?


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