The project will release more encounter decks and special dice when certain funding levels are reached. So the more people who pledge the more awesome this game will become.
They are making plush toys of the creature from Zero Hour, "The Pale One" (Slender man?) is 32" and weighs a little less than a pound this doll is limited to 300 signed and numbered pieces.
My advice would be to go check out this project, before venturing into any mysterious wooded area. Remember Kickstarter is risky and there are no real safeguards.
The project is already fully funded and is reaching stretch goals, which means bonus material for backers.
All art belongs to the project creators, and limited art prints are also available.
I backed Zero Hour and have yet to see anything for my money (its now July 2016),
it appears American backers pledges were fulfilled (mostly) but not
international. The creator has ceased all communication with his backers
and has created new kickstarters that seem to be having similar
problems. I truly apologize if i encouraged anyone to back this project.